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Instructional Design Principles for Fall Semester of 2021


The semester will basically remain 18 weeks. As for syllabus arrangement, instructors may decide to follow 16+2-week method or the original 18-week method as the following explanation:


1. Instructors should arrange 18-week syllabus with either method and upload the revised version onto the Information System for Teaching and Administrative Staff.

2. If taking the 16+2-week method, please arrange 2-week extra curriculum in the syllabus, except for the 16th week (final exam week). Instructors should design extra activities such as self-learning activities, inquiry-based activities, practicum, examinations or make-up finals to students.   

Those activities should be counted as part of the students’ final grade.

3. For those who had not adopted the aforementioned methods, their course duration shall remain 18 weeks long. Last exam times should be at the 18th week.

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